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Užívání a prožívání jazyka

Užívání a prožívání jazyka

K 90. narozeninám Františka Daneše

[Using and Living the Language]

Hoffmannová, Jana (ed.)

subjects: Czech studies, linguistics

paperback, 548 pp., 1. edition
published: may 2009
ISBN: 978-80-246-1756-5
recommended price: 325 czk



This collection of papers titled Using and Living the Language, published on the occasion of the 90th birthday of leading Czech linguist, Professor František Daneš, as a follow up to a conference of the same name, held on April 15-17, 2009, in Prague, provides a wide range of contributions from general linguistic issues, specific problems of the usage of Czech in different socio-cultural environments, to the question of the mutual relationship of speech and music or fiction and its translation. Its content thus reflects the remarkable variety of Daneš' research while manifesting the scope of inspiration of his personality as well as work in the field of Czech linguistics.