Nerovný boj o víru

Nerovný boj o víru

Kadeřábek, Josef

The Unequal Fight for Faith. The Lords of Martinice and the Recatholicisation of the City of Slaný focuses on the transformation of ident...

Páni z Martinic a rekatolizace města Slaný (1600–1665)

published: may 2018
recommended price: 370 czk


Zelené dějiny světa

Zelené dějiny světa

Ponting, Clive

This book offers a new view of the history of humankind, the rise of great civilizations and the reasons for their collapse. It reveals t...

Životní prostředí a kolaps velkých civilizací

published: may 2018
recommended price: 450 czk


Studies of Homeric Greece

Studies of Homeric Greece

Bouzek, Jan

The volume brings a kind of companion to the subject of study of archaeology and history of Late Mycenaean to Geometric Greece and of the...

published: may 2018
recommended price: 390 czk


Jana z Arku

Jana z Arku

Beauneová, Colette

Her thorough knowledge of sources allowed the scholar to depict Joan of Arc with regard to the role models she followed as a young woman....

published: june 2018
recommended price: 420 czk


Drama dirigenta

Drama dirigenta

Kučera, Martin

Conductor’s Drama is the first extensive biography of Jaroslav Krombholc (1918–1983), the most talented conductor from Václav Talich’s sc...

Jaroslav Krombholc v osidlech doby

published: june 2018
recommended price: 450 czk


Gollův styl

Gollův styl

Pazderský, Roman

This book focuses on style of prominent Czech historian Jaroslav Goll (1846–1929). Methodologically, it uses the concept of style analysi...

Studie k historickému myšlení Jaroslava Golla

published: july 2018
recommended price: 290 czk


Hledání dějin

Hledání dějin

Hvížďala, KarelPřibáň, Jiří

A dialogue between Karel Hvížďala, an inquisitive journalist from Prague, and Jiří Přibáň, a philosopher of law from Cardiff in Great Bri...

O české státnosti a identitě

published: september 2018
recommended price: 320 czk


Vzpomínky chirurga

Vzpomínky chirurga

Nahodil, Vladimír

With a career as a surgeon of sixty years and focusing on many developmental phases this medical field has undergone, the author consider...

published: october 2018
recommended price: 120 czk
