A Legitimate, Legal and Just War

A Legitimate, Legal and Just War

Kolín, Vilém

Today there is no consensus on the range of circumstances where the use of force is justified. In fact, the use of force threatens to be ...

Towards a New Paradigm of the Lawful and Justified Use of Force in International Relations

published: september 2012
recommended price: 230 czk


Behind the Lines

Behind the Lines

Hašek, Jaroslav

Jaroslav Hašek is a Czech writer most famous for his widely read if incomplete novel The Good Soldier Schweik, a series of absurdist vign...

Bugulma and Other Stories

published: august 2012
recommended price: 390 czk


Učiňme člověka ke svému obrazu

Učiňme člověka ke svému obrazu

Voldřichová Beránková, Eva

This study maps the literary development of the classical myth of Pygmalion, the Jewish legend of the Golem, and the fictional adaptation...

Pygmalion, Golem a automat jako tři verze mýtu o umělém stvoření (nejen) v Budoucí Evě Villierse de l’Isle-Adam

published: july 2012
recommended price: 325 czk


Česky, prosím II

Česky, prosím II

Cvejnová, Jitka

This continuation of a series of textbooks of Czech for foreigners is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages a...

Učebnice češtiny pro cizince a Pracovní sešit

published: july 2012
recommended price: 620 czk
