Hory a moře mezi „námi“

Hory a moře mezi „námi“

Power, Martina

This publication analyzes the ways of perceiving and structuring geographic space based on a comparison of German travelogues about Bohem...

Vnímání hranic a prostoru v německé a britské cestopisné literatuře o Čechách a Irsku v letech 1750–1850

published: march 2013
recommended price: 390 czk


Spoken Sibe

Spoken Sibe

Zikmundová, Veronika

At present, the Sibe language is the only oral variety of Manchu which is actually in use. With some 20,000 to 30,000 speakers it is also...

Morphology of the Inflected Parts of Speech

published: march 2013
recommended price: 305 czk


Brány pekelné ji nepřemohou

Brány pekelné ji nepřemohou

Kubín, Petr (ed.)

This book contains papers from the academic colloquium, The Persecution of the Roman-Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia in 1948–1960, orga...

Kapitoly z pronásledování církví v Československu kolem roku 1950

published: february 2013
recommended price: 145 czk
