Vývoj portugalského jazyka

Vývoj portugalského jazyka

Hricsina, Jan

This university textbook, intended for students of Portuguese philology and wider linguistic community, represents the first comprehensiv...

published: september 2015
recommended price: 260 czk


Beyond Decadence

Beyond Decadence

Butler, Peter

Jan Opolský has long been considered to be little more than an epigon of the Czech Decadence. By detailed analysis of his prose, this boo...

Exposing the Narrative Irony in Jan Opolský's Prose

published: september 2015
recommended price: 490 czk




Sandel, Michael J.

The book version of Professor Michael Sandel’s (Harvard) popular TV show offers briskly paced, amusing chapters illustrated by current ex...

Co je správné dělat

published: september 2015
recommended price: 350 czk


Česká psychopedie

Česká psychopedie

Černá, Marie a kol.

Psychopedia is an interdisciplinary field focusing on the development, raising and education of mentally handicapped persons. This public...

Speciální pedagogika osob s mentálním postižením

published: september 2015
recommended price: 170 czk


Jak zábavné je informovat

Jak zábavné je informovat

Klimeš, David

"One team played very tough defence to force overtime. The other, hoping for a quick victory, pressed the attack.” A description of a spo...

Infotainment čili infozábava v teorii, praxi a českém kontextu

published: october 2015
recommended price: 150 czk
