Latina pro farmaceuty
Kunešová, KvětušeUčebnice pro posluchače oborů Farmacie a Zdravotnická bioanalytika
published: may 2023
recommended price: 250 czk
Latinská čítanka pro studenty teologie
Koronthályová, Markéta
published: september 2002
recommended price: 155 czk
Latinská čítanka pro studující dějin křesťanského umění
Šimandl, JosefThis anthology presents a variety of texts in Latin, relevant for art history. It is useful for anyone who wants to activate their knowle...
published: september 2014
recommended price: 165 czk
Latinská lékařská terminologie
Nečas, Pavel – Schánělová, Eva – Čebišová, KláraThis book, compiled for students of general medicine, is appropriate for use in language classes as well as for home study. It aims to pr...
published: january 2017
recommended price: 360 czk
Latinská lékařská terminologie
Nečas, Pavel – Schánělová, Eva – Čebišová, KláraThis book, compiled for students of general medicine, is appropriate for use in language classes as well as for home study. It aims to pr...
published: july 2024
recommended price: 360 czk
Latinská syntax pro posluchače teologie
Šimandl, JosefThis textbook, a result of many years of teaching experience, follows up Šlesinger’s Latin Basics for Students of Theology (Karolinum Pre...
published: march 2016
recommended price: 160 czk
Latinská terminologie pro zubní lékařství
Plašilová, Jiřina – Kašparová, IrenaThis book is a basic textbook of Latin terminology in dental medicine at the Medical Faculty, Charles University in Plzeň. It presents th...
published: may 2022
recommended price: 330 czk
Látka, tělo, vzkříšení podle starokřesťanských autorů
Karfíková, LenkaThe high emphasis on corporeality is one of the most noticeable features that Christianity contributed to culture and thinking of late an...
published: october 2022
recommended price: 270 czk
Laudabile Carmen – část I
Kuťáková, EvaThis monograph was conceived as an aid for university students, teachers and other people seeking information about Roman metrics. The fi...
Římská metrika
published: march 2013
recommended price: 155 czk
Laudabile Carmen – část II
Kuťáková, EvaThe second part of this textbook, Laudabile Carmen, is conceived as an introduction to Roman poetry and an initial presentation of reflec...
Kapitoly z římské rétoriky a poetiky
published: october 2017
recommended price: 260 czk
Le Chasseur de rats (paperback)
Dyk, ViktorThis novella, written by poet, fiction writer, playwright and journalist Viktor Dyk, was first published as serial in a magazine in 1911–...
published: june 2017
recommended price: 280 czk