Oheň a hvězdy

Oheň a hvězdy

Kohák, Erazim

“How do life, the world and my place in them all fit together?”, “How does Good come into the world and how is it that Evil exists?” Thes...

Filosofická zamýšlení nad morálním smyslem přírody

published: october 2021
recommended price: 330 czk


Žena za socialismu

Žena za socialismu

Wagnerová, Alena

This book is a translation of a sociology monograph from 1974, which analyzed the equality of women in Czechoslovakia compared to the Fed...

Československo 1945-1974 a reflexe vývoje před rokem 1989 a po něm

published: october 2021
recommended price: 450 czk


Jazykový živočich

Jazykový živočich

Taylor, Charles

Language is not merely a tool for coding and conveying information, nor is it only a means of transferring thoughts from one individual t...

published: october 2021
recommended price: 440 czk


Úvod do sociologie

Úvod do sociologie

Havlík, Radomír

This new, revised edition of Radomír Havlík’s textbook aims to provide basic orientation when studying selected societal problems. Its ch...

published: september 2021
recommended price: 145 czk


Stoletá válka

Stoletá válka

Bove, Boris

Boris Bove presents the Hundred Years’ War as a mental construct, which strives to conceptually grasp the repeated conflicts between the ...

published: september 2021
recommended price: 310 czk


Společnost věčného mládí

Společnost věčného mládí

Keller, Jan

This book addresses one of the largest social and cultural changes that occurred in the second half of the 20th century: the unprecedente...

published: september 2021
recommended price: 330 czk
