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AUC PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA, Vol 2022 No 1 (2022), 57–75

Embeddings, projections, and Easton’s lemma

Šárka Stejskalová

zveřejněno: 28. 02. 2025


We survey some lesser-known facts concerning properties of embeddings and projections between forcing notions. We will also state some generalizations of Easton’s lemma. To our knowledge, many of these facts have not been published, so we include their proofs for the benefit of the reader.

klíčová slova: forcing; forcing notion; dense embedding; regular embedding; complete embedding; projection; chain condition; closure

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Embeddings, projections, and Easton’s lemma is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

vychází: 2 x ročně
ISSN: 0567-8293
E-ISSN: 2464-7055

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