AUC Philosophica et Historica je víceoborový akademický časopis zaměřený na humanitní a společenskovědné obory (filozofie, psychologie, pedagogika, sociologie, obecné, české a hospodářské dějiny, pomocné vědy historické a archivnictví, etnologie).

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AUC PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA, Vol 2016 No 2 (2016), 73–96

Staré a nové teorie revoluce: deset perspektiv

[Theories of Revolution: Old and New]

Karel Černý

zveřejněno: 29. 09. 2016


The paper deals with a career of post-classical sociological theories of revolutin since 1920s until present. It is critically introducing and comparing them showing which aspects of the revolutionary situation each of them cover or ignore. It starts with the behavioral approach of P. Sorokin, socio-psychological approach of J. Davies and T. Gurr, economic approach of M. Olson and modernization approach of S. P. Huntington. Then it focuses on the political approach of Ch. Tilly and structuralist approach of T. Skocpol and others. Finally it discusses recent paradigm shifts in the field: cultural, gender, demographic and media turns.

klíčová slova: revolution; paradigm shifts; reductionism; sociological theory

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