Metabolismus společnosti

Metabolismus společnosti

Hák, Tomáš a kol.

Over the last two centuries, humans have become the dominant force on the planet. Given their dependence on the global ecosystem and serv...

Materiály, energie a ekosystémy

published: july 2015
recommended price: 330 czk


Podmaněná planeta

Podmaněná planeta

Moldan, Bedřich

Professor Bedřich Moldan’s book is the second, expanded and updated edition of the successful publication which won the Prize for the Bes...

published: june 2015
recommended price: 440 czk


Příroda, nebo člověk?

Příroda, nebo člověk?

Nátr, Lubomír

Living organisms and inanimate structures on the Earth have perpetually influenced each other thus creating dynamic balance which allows ...

Služby ekosystémů

published: october 2011
recommended price: 335 czk
