Poznávání života

Poznávání života

Canguilhem, Georges

French epistemology represents a distinctive line of thought within philosophy, represented primarily by Gaston Bachelard with his theory...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 280 czk


Anatomie rostlin

Anatomie rostlin

Votrubová, Olga

Plant Anatomy covers basic information on the structure of plants. Its chapters expand on plant cells, tissues, primary and the secondary...

published: march 2017
recommended price: 150 czk


The Evolution Myth

The Evolution Myth

Mejsnar, Jiří A.

The origins of life, species, and man continue to interest scientists and stir debate among the general public more than one hundred and ...

or The Genes Cry Out Their Urgent Song, Mister Darwin Got It Wrong

published: october 2014
recommended price: 240 czk
