Vlastní Bůh

Vlastní Bůh

Beck, Ulrich

In the contemporary globalized world marked by a mixing of cultures and worldviews, the necessity to seek modes of coexistence, especiall...

Mírotvorný a násilný potenciál náboženství

published: april 2018
recommended price: 290 czk


Svatováclavská bible

Svatováclavská bible

Koupil, Ondřej

"The Czech Bible, That is the Holy Scriptures Based on the Used Ancient and General Latin Translation Endorsed by the General Holy Roman ...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 420 czk


Ministerium verbi

Ministerium verbi

Kajpr, Adolf

This book presents a collection of speeches written by Adolf Kajpr (1902–1959), a Jesuit priest, famous as an editor and journalist and n...

Kázání o mši svaté, o posledních věcech člověka a o rozličných aspektech víry

published: april 2017
recommended price: 490 czk
