I řekl Bůh

I řekl Bůh

Pospíšil, Ctirad V.

The monograph, And God Said, closes a major gap in the work of Czech theologians, because there has not been a truly contemporary, origin...

Trinitární teologie stvoření

published: november 2020
recommended price: 290 czk


Bůh uprostřed své církve

Bůh uprostřed své církve

Roubík, Pavel

This monograph is the first to present work of the Erlangen-based systematic theologian Friedrich Mildenberger. His Biblical Dogmatics in...

Teologie Friedricha Mildenbergera

published: april 2020
recommended price: 490 czk


„Hledáš-li Boha v lásce...“

„Hledáš-li Boha v lásce...“

Zámečník, Jan

Josef Šafařík always expected more from an individual than from society and warned against intellectural and ethical conformism and his t...

Čtyři teologické studie o Josefu Šafaříkovi

published: april 2020
recommended price: 160 czk
