České probuzení z amerického snu

České probuzení z amerického snu

Kozák, Kryštof

This book brings a new perspective of the United States, which arose from the necessity to overcome both uncritically admiring as well as...

Proč a jak se v České republice zabývat Spojenými státy

published: april 2019
recommended price: 290 czk


Kdo vládne světu?

Kdo vládne světu?

Chomsky, Noam

This most recent book by Noam Chomsky, well-known intellectual, philosopher and activist, presents a thorough analysis of the current int...

published: may 2019
recommended price: 380 czk


Temný kontinent

Temný kontinent

Mazower, Mark

Mark Mazower’s Europe is not a continent of old countries and nations, but in many respects, it is very new and in the course of the 20th...

Evropa ve 20. století

published: may 2019
recommended price: 450 czk


Normalizační festival

Normalizační festival

Houda, Přemysl

Normalization Festival is a monograph focusing on the period of late socialism in Czechoslovakia, particularly on the late socialist publ...

Socialistické paradoxy a postsocialistické korekce

published: august 2019
recommended price: 150 czk


Antropologie turismu

Antropologie turismu

Půtová, Barbora

“Anthropology of tourism” is a relatively new sub-discipline and thematic area of socio-cultural anthropology, which is being gradually e...

published: october 2019
recommended price: 320 czk


Politika proti dominanci

Politika proti dominanci

Shapiro, Ian

Ian Shapiro, a contemporary American political scientist, defends the proposition that we should limit the principle of dominance in demo...

published: november 2019
recommended price: 420 czk


Expanze na pozvání

Expanze na pozvání

Eichler, Jan

Jan Eichler is one of the leading Czech security analysts. His book focuses on the expansion of NATO to the east and its impact on the se...

Rozšiřování NATO a jeho důsledky

published: november 2019
recommended price: 220 czk


Už je zítra?

Už je zítra?

Krastev, Ivan

What will the world look like after the Covid-19 pandemic? Haven’t we already been living in it for some time? Did the pandemic possibly ...

Aneb jak pandemie mění Evropu

published: june 2020
recommended price: 150 czk


Rozpolcená mocnost

Rozpolcená mocnost

Eberle, JakubHandl, Vladimír

The role of Germany on the international scene is often criticized. German foreign policy is sometimes viewed as overtly assertive and se...

Krize a rozpory německé zahraniční politiky

published: july 2020
recommended price: 190 czk
