Indirect Coercion

Indirect Coercion

Smetana, MichalLudvík, Jan (eds.)

This book deals with the theory and practice behind indirect coercion, a specific type of coercive strategy involving three different act...

Triangular Strategies and International Conflict

published: october 2017
recommended price: 260 czk


Public Policy

Public Policy

Potůček, Martin et al.

The publication is primarily intended for international students of public policy. It represents an original contribution to the existing...

A Comprehensive Introduction

published: december 2017
recommended price: 450 czk


New Labour, Británie a svět

New Labour, Británie a svět

Váška, Jan

On which ideas concerning international identity and the role of Britain, and its relations with Europe and the United States was British...

Ideový rámec britské zahraniční politiky za vlády Tonyho Blaira a Gordona Browna

published: january 2018
recommended price: 370 czk


Morální základy politiky

Morální základy politiky

Shapiro, Ian

This book, written by Ian Shapiro, a contemporary American political theorist, examines the legitimacy of political power. The scholar be...

published: may 2018
recommended price: 320 czk


Geopolitika ropy

Geopolitika ropy

Odintsov, Nikita

The first oil crisis, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the American intervention in Iraq are all inseparably linked to oil. Employing a g...

published: may 2018
recommended price: 230 czk


Znetvořená demokracie

Znetvořená demokracie

Urbinati, Nadia

This book is a contribution to the discussion concerning the current crisis of democracy and possible solutions. The scholar approaches t...

Mínění, pravda a lid

published: may 2018
recommended price: 390 czk


Fighting Terrorism

Fighting Terrorism

Krauzová, TerezaMatějka, Stanislav

The war on terror, launched by the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has been waged inside as well as outside the U.S. borders. Perception of threa...

Surveillance and Targeted Killing in Post-9/11 World

published: july 2018
recommended price: 170 czk
