Totalismus a holismus
Palouš, RadimThis book, written by his student, Radim Palouš, and published on the anniversary of Jan Patočka’s death, contemplates on existence both ...
published: march 1997
recommended price: 140 czk
This book, written by his student, Radim Palouš, and published on the anniversary of Jan Patočka’s death, contemplates on existence both ...
published: march 1997
recommended price: 140 czk
Durman’s text is a fascinating synthesis of the history of the inner developments as well as the foreign policy of USSR and the Communist...
Kreml a krize impéria 1964–1991
published: september 1998
recommended price: 230 czk
For political reasons this book has been published with more than a twenty year delay, since the compltion of the manuscript. The authors...
published: december 2000
recommended price: 315 czk
Based on the detailed study of archive material from the former Yugoslavia, the historian Jan Pelikán follows the position of Yugoslavia ...
published: march 2002
recommended price: 365 czk
This reprint of the first part of the collected essays of Václav Pavlíček, a professor of constitutional law at Faculty of Law, Charles U...
published: july 2002
recommended price: 390 czk
German historian Detlef Brandes introduces in his book the international position and role of the exile governments of Czechoslovakia, Po...
Velká Británie a vlády Československa, Polska a Jugoslávie od počátku války do teheránské konference
published: august 2003
recommended price: 480 czk
This monograph is first ever attempt by Czech authors to methodically analyse Czech and Slovak political groups which, during WWII, stood...
Česká a slovenská protibenešovská opozice v Londýně 1939–1945
published: february 2004
recommended price: 450 czk
An excellent historical synthesis of world history since the disintegration of European democracies and the advent of totalitarian regime...
Válka a nukleární mír
published: may 2004
recommended price: 470 czk
A selection of significant documents by a collection of authors (Jan Němeček, Helena Nováčková, Ivan Šťovíček and Jan Kuklík) presents th...
published: april 2005
recommended price: 345 czk
The author strives to analyse the policies of Austria-Hungary towards Bolshevik Russia. The main focus is on analyzing the peace negotiat...
published: august 2005
recommended price: 270 czk
Václav Houžvička describes the development of the Czech-German national controversies from the mid-19th century, through the establishing...
published: november 2005
recommended price: 385 czk