Kotvy na nebesích

Kotvy na nebesích

Brague, Rémi

Rémi Brague leads us to reject the idea that modern man living in the "post-metaphysical" era, which is the cultural heritage of the Enli...

Metafyzická základna života

published: october 2019
recommended price: 240 czk




Šterbáková, Daniela

When trying to perceive silence, we find ourselves in a paradoxical situation – the harder we try to listen, the more intensive feeling w...

John Cage, filozofia absencií a skúsenosť ticha

published: september 2019
recommended price: 390 czk




Serres, Michel

The experience of the young generation represented by Thumbelina is radically different from the experience of her parents and teachers. ...

Esej o digitální revoluci

published: september 2019
recommended price: 150 czk


Dějiny a sebetvorba

Dějiny a sebetvorba

Chavalka, Jakub

This book asks the question of how Jacob Burckhardt, a cultural historian almost forgotten in our context, could have inspired a much mor...

Jacob Burckchardt jako Nietzschův modelový čtenář

published: may 2019
recommended price: 370 czk


Čtvrtá revoluce

Čtvrtá revoluce

Floridi, Luciano

The evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) radically transforms not only how we understand the world and how we co...

Jak infosféra mění tvář lidské reality

published: february 2019
recommended price: 320 czk
