Poezie ve dvojím ohni

Poezie ve dvojím ohni

Quinn, Justin

Justin Quinn (* 1968), an Irish poet and prose writer, who has lived in Prague since the early 1990s, translated poetry written by Petr B...

Transnacionalismus a studená válka

published: march 2018
recommended price: 270 czk


Poezie v exilu

Poezie v exilu

Hrdlička, Josef

Josef Hrdlička’s book opens the question of what is exile poetry and whether it represents a similarly significant area as love or nature...

Čeští básníci za studené války a západní básnická tradice

published: july 2020
recommended price: 340 czk


Poetry in Exile

Poetry in Exile

Hrdlička, Josef

In his book Josef Hrdlička opens the question of what exactly constitutes Exile Poetry, and indeed whether it amounts to a category as fu...

Czech Poets during the Cold War and the Western Poetic Tradition

published: september 2020
recommended price: 480 czk


Pelos Caminhos do Insólito

Pelos Caminhos do Insólito

Špánková, Silvie

This book presents an analysis of fiction written by Portuguese writers, Branquinho da Fonseca (1905–1974) and Domingos Monteiro (1903–19...

Na Narrativa Breve de Branquinho da Fonseca e Domingos Monteiro

published: february 2020
recommended price: 270 czk


Palimpsesty, heterotopie a krajiny

Palimpsesty, heterotopie a krajiny

Nagy, Ladislav

This book addresses the phenomenon of history in contemporary British fiction. It focuses on the shift towards history as a decisive mome...

Historie v anglickém románu posledních desetiletí

published: march 2016
recommended price: 210 czk


Od slova k revoluci

Od slova k revoluci

Kitzlerová, Jana

This book is devoted to the early poetic and partially also artistic works of one of the most significant 20th-century Russian poets, Vla...

Poetický svět raného Majakovského prizmatem lingvistické analýzy

published: november 2014
recommended price: 155 czk


Obtížná balanc

Obtížná balanc

Onufer, Petr

This book, written by English studies scholar and translator Petr Onufer, addresses the method of creating canons of Anglophone literatur...

Ke kánonu anglofonních literatur v českém kontextu

published: december 2018
recommended price: 250 czk
