Papyrologie (řecká, latinská, koptská)
Dostálová, Růžena – Hošek, Radislav – Messeri, Gabriella – Oerter, Wolf B. – Pintaudi, Rosario
published: september 2006
recommended price: 345 czk
published: september 2006
recommended price: 345 czk
Bahr's History of German Literature in three volumes, covering the period from the early Middle Ages to the present, belongs among classi...
Od osvícenství k době předbřeznové
published: may 2006
recommended price: 325 czk
Bahr's three-volume History of German Literature, covering the period from the early Middle Ages to the present, belongs among classical ...
Od středověku po baroko
published: february 2006
recommended price: 250 czk
This extensive monograph by Romance scholar Zdeněk Hrbata and English scholar Martin Procházka on Romanticism and romanticisms explores, ...
published: february 2006
recommended price: 345 czk
This book contains selected essays by professor of the history of English and American literature Zdeněk Stříbrný from 1965 to 2000. The ...
Stati o Shakespearovi
published: november 2005
recommended price: 295 czk
published: september 2005
recommended price: 85 czk
Miloslav Uličný’s Historia de las traducciones checas de literaturas de España e Hispanoamérica focuses on Czech translations from Spanis...
published: september 2005
recommended price: 440 czk
This publication represents the first systematical overview of Japanese literature in the Czech language. The first part of the book intr...
published: may 2005
recommended price: 375 czk
This publication begins with an explanation of the genealogical concept of Postmodernism and an analysis of French philosophical thought ...
published: october 2002
recommended price: 225 czk
published: september 2002
recommended price: 190 czk
This book is a collection of reflections on the popular novel which prompted fundamental discussions on the Czech national character. The...
Epizoda z estetiky každodennosti
published: march 2002
recommended price: 290 czk
published: february 2001
recommended price: 155 czk