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Historia de las traducciones checas de literaturas de Espana e Hispanoamérica

Historia de las traducciones checas de literaturas de Espana e Hispanoamérica

Uličný, Miloslav

subjects: history, language textbooks, literary criticism

paperback, 324 pp., 1. edition
published: september 2005
ISBN: 80-246-0888-X
recommended price: 440 czk



This publication covers the history, from their beginnings through the present (1838-2004), of the translation of literary works from Spanish into Czech. Its goal is to map out this stage of the history of Czech translation, and not just in a bibliographic fashion - the author touches on the selection of texts, particular circumstances of the period, the quality of translations and even the translators in this field. Individual chapters present an overview of Czech Hispanist translators, an alphabetical bibliography of Czech translations of literary works from Spain and Latin America. The book was published in the Spanish language.

Miloslav Uličný's Historia de las traducciones checas de literaturas de Espaňa e Hispanoamérica focuses on Czech translations from Spanish from their beginnings to the present (1838-2004) both chronologically and organized by genre. In addition to the complete bibliography, the author presents critical history studies covering not only social and political conditions for the publishing of translations, and also critical probes into the most important texts. The book also includes the first Dictionary of Czech fiction translators from Spanish, with 81 entries, and a set of reproductions of 64 title pages, book bindings and jackets of rare and interesting editions.

Historia de las traducciones checas de literaturas de Espaňa e Hispanoamérica es el primer libro que resume, en 322 páginas, lo sustancial del desarrollo de la traducción checa de obras hispanas de todos los géneros. Comprende una bibliografía completa, tanto cronológica como por orden alfabético, lo mismo que un Diccionario de traductores-hispanistas checos de los siglos XIX y XX (81 retratos bio-bibliográficos). Además, el autor Miloslav Uličný saca conclusiones interesantes acerca de las versiones checas más importantes. Al final del libro aparecen varias decenas de portadas, cubiertas y sobrecubiertas.