Záhada nemoci Karla IV.

Záhada nemoci Karla IV.

Ramba, Jiří

In this collection of papers, which were previously published in journals and in books, experienced facial traumatologist Jiří Ramba pres...

Osobnosti českých dějin z perspektivy obličejové chirurgie

published: september 2020
recommended price: 330 czk


Zažil jsem toho dost

Zažil jsem toho dost

Sgall, Petr

Professor PhDr. Petr Sgall, DrSc., is a widely respected scientist in the field of general, theoretical and computational linguistics and...

published: march 2014
recommended price: 180 czk


Zelené dějiny světa

Zelené dějiny světa

Ponting, Clive

This book offers a new view of the history of humankind, the rise of great civilizations and the reasons for their collapse. It reveals t...

Životní prostředí a kolaps velkých civilizací

published: may 2018
recommended price: 450 czk


Zlatý nosorožec

Zlatý nosorožec

Fauvelle-Aymar, François-Xavier

Linking the Middle Ages and Sub-Saharan Africa sounds unusual to Czech readers as there have not been many books presenting the riches of...

Příběhy o africkém středověku

published: april 2021
recommended price: 310 czk


Zrod velmoci

Zrod velmoci

Reiman, Michal a kol.

A group of historians from the Institute of International Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, examin...

Dějiny Sovětského svazu 1917–1945

published: november 2013
recommended price: 440 czk


Zrození státu

Zrození státu

Charvát, Petr

In the book titled Birth of the State, readers learn what researchers nowadays think about the rise and stabilization of the oldest state...

Prvotní civilizace Starého světa

published: april 2011
recommended price: 335 czk


Ztracená generace lékařů

Ztracená generace lékařů

Kopecká, Tereza

After World War I, it was not easy to become a doctor. The young generation (a cohort born at the turn of the 19th century and starting t...

Studenti a absolventi medicíny na Univerzitě Karlově v první polovině 20. století

published: november 2022
recommended price: 350 czk


Ženy s kufříkem a nadějí

Ženy s kufříkem a nadějí

Lenderová, Milena a kol.

Midwives were always part of the local collective memory, perceived as an inseparable part of the community, similarly to a pastor, teach...

Porodní báby a asistentky v českých zemích od poloviny 19. do poloviny 20. století

published: january 2020
recommended price: 420 czk
