Around the Globe

Around the Globe

Vaněk, Miroslav

Around the Globe. Rethinking Oral History with Its Protagonists presents interviews with thirteen prominent scholars focusing on oral his...

Rethinking Oral History with Its Protagonists

published: august 2013
recommended price: 260 czk


Autokrat a jeho doba

Autokrat a jeho doba

Svoboda, Karel

This book focuses on the relatively short period of a succession of revolutions and other changes in Europe. All European countries, incl...

Rusko a revoluce v letech 1830–1831

published: june 2016
recommended price: 270 czk


Automobilista v zajetí reality

Automobilista v zajetí reality

Štemberk, Jan

This book follows the development of the legal regulation of motorism from its beginnings through the 1950s. The first half of the 20th c...

Vývoj pravidel silničního provozu v českých zemích v první polovině 20. století

published: july 2008
recommended price: 170 czk
