Válečný chirurg

Válečný chirurg

Smrčka, VáclavMádlová, Vlasta

War Surgeon presents the professional beginnings of František Burian, the founder of post-traumatic plastic surgery. The book summarizes ...

František Burian a zrození české plastické chirurgie

published: november 2015
recommended price: 440 czk


Československo 38-89: Atentát

Československo 38-89: Atentát

kolektiv autorů,

An award-winning interactive story from the protectorate period, rendered primarily in the form of graphic comic art by the artist known ...

Interaktivní příběh z období protektorátu

published: november 2015
recommended price: 250 czk


Reyes, emprendedores, misioneros

Reyes, emprendedores, misioneros

Křížová, Markéta

In the 19th century, the Mosquito Coast became an area of power struggles between Great Britain, the USA and the countries of Central Ame...

Rivalidad imperial y sincretismo colonial en la Costa de Mosquitia, siglo XIX

published: january 2016
recommended price: 390 czk
