Úvahy o mýtu

Úvahy o mýtu

Novotný, David Jan

The collection of texts entitled Reflections on Myth includes myths from Old Testament as well as Greek, medieval, modern-era and contemp...

published: october 2014
recommended price: 270 czk


O hranicích dějinných období

O hranicích dějinných období

Le Goff, Jacques

In this last text he prepared for publication, world famous medievalist Jacques Le Goff (1924–2014) focuses on methodological principles ...

Na příkladu středověku a renesance

published: november 2014
recommended price: 165 czk


Bílá hora

Bílá hora

Chaline, Olivier

Only a few historical events have ever played such a significant role in the process of the formation of the Czech national awareness as ...

published: december 2014
recommended price: 340 czk


In the Shadow of Munich

In the Shadow of Munich

Smetana, Vít

The book In the Shadow of Munich. British Policy towards Czechoslovakia from the Endorsement to the Renunciation of the Munich Agreement ...

British Policy towards Czechoslovakia from the Endorsement to the Renunciation of the Munich Agreement (1938–1942)

published: january 2015
recommended price: 210 czk


The Parisian Summit, 1377–78

The Parisian Summit, 1377–78

Šmahel, František

The Czech king and Roman Emperor Charles IV met with the French king Charles V in Paris in 1378. Reconstructing the journey to this meeti...

Emperor Charles IV and King Charles V of France

published: january 2015
recommended price: 432 czk
