Ministerium verbi

Ministerium verbi

Kajpr, Adolf

This book presents a collection of speeches written by Adolf Kajpr (1902–1959), a Jesuit priest, famous as an editor and journalist and n...

Kázání o mši svaté, o posledních věcech člověka a o rozličných aspektech víry

published: april 2017
recommended price: 490 czk


Signs from Silence

Signs from Silence

Charvát, Petr

The monograph Signs from Silence: Ur of the first Sumerians tells the story of the Sumerian city of Ur at the beginning of the third pre-...

Ur of the first Sumerians

published: april 2017
recommended price: 420 czk


Ve světle kabaly

Ve světle kabaly

Benešová, Michala

In the Light of the Kabbala offers a reflection of the Jewish religious and mystic tradition in interwar Polish literature using works by...

Židovská mystika v polské literatuře meziválečného období (Aleksander Wat, Bruno Schulz, Bolesław Leśmian)

published: april 2017
recommended price: 380 czk


Filologické studie 2016

Filologické studie 2016

kolektiv autorů,

The monograph, Phonetics and Phonology in Prospective Teachers’ Education, aims to analyze university instruction of the key linguistic d...

Fonetika a fonologie v přípravném vzdělávání učitelů

published: march 2017
recommended price: 190 czk


Česky, prosím III

Česky, prosím III

Cvejnová, Jitka

This volume of the Czech for foreigners textbook, continuing from where the A1 and A2 level books left off, is intended for teenagers and...

published: march 2017
recommended price: 640 czk


Anatomie rostlin

Anatomie rostlin

Votrubová, Olga

Plant Anatomy covers basic information on the structure of plants. Its chapters expand on plant cells, tissues, primary and the secondary...

published: march 2017
recommended price: 150 czk
