Kavky a kosatce

Kavky a kosatce

Konopíková, Michaela

This book is based on a field research carried out among ethnic Berbers living in the Grand Atlas Mountains in central Morocco. It analyz...

Antropologie turismu, prostoru a identity v Maroku

published: february 2018
recommended price: 250 czk


Odkaz rychtáře Vaváka

Odkaz rychtáře Vaváka

Kučera, Martin (ed.)

The reeve from Milčice in the Poděbrady district, František Jan Vavák (1741–1816), was one of the most important rural popular scripturis...

Příspěvky k životopisu velkého písmáka

published: january 2018
recommended price: 270 czk


New Labour, Británie a svět

New Labour, Británie a svět

Váška, Jan

On which ideas concerning international identity and the role of Britain, and its relations with Europe and the United States was British...

Ideový rámec britské zahraniční politiky za vlády Tonyho Blaira a Gordona Browna

published: january 2018
recommended price: 370 czk


Rozkoš mezi pohlavími

Rozkoš mezi pohlavími

Laqueur, Thomas

The significance of this classical work by Thomas W. Laqueur, an American anthropologist from the University of California, Berkeley, to ...

Sexuální diference od antiky po Freuda

published: january 2018
recommended price: 420 czk
