Doba Ježíše Nazaretského

Doba Ježíše Nazaretského

Ryšková, Mireia

The book provides insight into the environment and circumstances in which Jesus of Nazareth lived and worked. It is not merely devoted to...

Historicko-teologický úvod do Nového zákona

published: september 2019
recommended price: 260 czk


Hledání proluk

Hledání proluk

Goszczyńska, Joanna (ed.)

The collection of works devoted to Bohumil Hrabal, A Search for Vacant Sites, strives to contribute to the discussion on the "Hrabal phen...

Bohumil Hrabal – analýzy a interpretace

published: september 2019
recommended price: 270 czk


Snímání rámu

Snímání rámu

Ritchin, Fred

Photojournalism has captured world events hoping to have an effect on the consciousness of the society. The availability of billions of p...

Fotožurnalismus, občan, dokument

published: september 2019
recommended price: 290 czk




Serres, Michel

The experience of the young generation represented by Thumbelina is radically different from the experience of her parents and teachers. ...

Esej o digitální revoluci

published: september 2019
recommended price: 150 czk


The Shop on Main Street

The Shop on Main Street

Grosman, Ladislav

A classical work of the 1960s Czechoslovak literature and film in a new publication of Iris Urwin Lewit’s translation. An original and re...

published: august 2019
recommended price: 280 czk


Melpoména v okovech?

Melpoména v okovech?

Šuman, Záviš

This book, written by Romance studies expert Záviš Šuman and named after Melpomene, a Muse of tragedy and chorus, focuses on the Aristote...

Povahokresba ve francouzské tragédii 17. století

published: august 2019
recommended price: 380 czk
