Odkud vítr vane
Našinec, Jiří (ed.)Antologie povídek z jihovýchodní Evropy
published: january 2017
recommended price: 190 czk
Antologie povídek z jihovýchodní Evropy
published: january 2017
recommended price: 190 czk
In Summer of Caprice (the classic novel of the Twenties that was adapted into the beloved film of the Czech New Wave in the Sixties) the ...
published: october 2016
recommended price: 280 czk
On its initial publication in Czech in 1942, Saturnin was a best-seller. This is entirely appropriate, for while Saturnin draws on a trad...
published: october 2016
recommended price: 280 czk
The acclaimed novel We Were a Handful is the humorous story of five small-town boys. In 1943 during one of the lowest points of his life ...
published: october 2016
recommended price: 280 czk
This is a book about collective guilt, individual fate, and repentance, a tale that explores how we can come to be responsible for crimes...
published: september 2016
recommended price: 450 czk
The collection of short stories entitled Behind the Lines: Bugulma and Other Stories draws on Hašek’s experience from revolutionary Russi...
published: august 2016
recommended price: 280 czk
This already classic story by Eduard Bass from 1922 tells the story of father Klapzuba, who has raised his eleven sons as phenomenal socc...
published: june 2016
recommended price: 250 czk
Bohumil Hrabal (1914–97) has been ranked with Jaroslav Hašek, Karel Čapek, and Milan Kundera as among the greatest twentieth-century Czec...
An Apprentice's Guide to the Gift of the Gab
published: may 2016
recommended price: 280 czk
The five fairy tales presented in this book, written by Karel Šiktanc and named after one of them, are accompanied by similarly brilliant...
published: april 2016
recommended price: 260 czk
Das deutsch-tschechische Lesebuch Engel des Erinnerns stellt fünf deutsche Gegenwartstexte im Original und in der Übersetzung von jungen ...
Deutsch-tschechisches Lesebuch / Německo česká čítanka
published: february 2016
recommended price: 290 czk
Written between 1954 and 1957 and treating events from the Stalinist era of Czechoslovakia’s postwar Communist regime, Midway Upon the Jo...
published: february 2016
recommended price: 430 czk
In Summer of Caprice (the classic novel of the Twenties that was adapted into the beloved film of the Czech New Wave in the Sixties) the ...
published: december 2014
recommended price: 500 czk