Prehistorie rodu Homo

Prehistorie rodu Homo

Soukup, Václav

Prehistorie rodu Homo (Prehistory of the Homo family) attempts to answer the timeless question related to the existence of the humankind:...

published: june 2015
recommended price: 440 czk


Gerulata: The Lamps

Gerulata: The Lamps

Frecer, Robert

What should a catalogue of archaeological material contain? This book is a comprehensive index of 210 lamps from the Roman fort of Gerula...

Roman Lamps in a Provincial Context

published: june 2015
recommended price: 600 czk


Metabolismus společnosti

Metabolismus společnosti

Hák, Tomáš a kol.

Over the last two centuries, humans have become the dominant force on the planet. Given their dependence on the global ecosystem and serv...

Materiály, energie a ekosystémy

published: july 2015
recommended price: 330 czk




Havel, JanLáb, Filip

Pavel Dias’s work forms one of the touchstones of Czech journalistic and documentary photography. Dias began taking photographs at a junc...

Fotografie/Photographs 1956–2015

published: july 2015
recommended price: 490 czk


La formazione delle parole in diacronia

La formazione delle parole in diacronia

Štichauer, Pavel

This publication aims to explore some of the major changes in derivative morphology which occurred in Italian literature between the 16th...

Studi di morfologia derivazionale dell'italiano tra il Cinquecento e l'Ottocento

published: july 2015
recommended price: 220 czk
