Základy fyzikální chemie
Lázníčková, Alice – Kubíček, VladimírVybrané kapitoly pro posluchače farmaceutické fakulty
published: october 2014
recommended price: 190 czk
Vybrané kapitoly pro posluchače farmaceutické fakulty
published: october 2014
recommended price: 190 czk
The aim of this book is to deal with the historiographical legacy of Czech historian Václav Chaloupecký (1882–1951), the pupil of Josef P...
Hledání československých dějin
published: october 2014
recommended price: 420 czk
published: october 2014
recommended price: 110 czk
This monograph is devoted to contemporary lexical and word-formation dynamics in two genetically related, yet typologically different lan...
(na materiálu jazyka médií)
published: october 2014
recommended price: 190 czk
The collection of texts entitled Reflections on Myth includes myths from Old Testament as well as Greek, medieval, modern-era and contemp...
published: october 2014
recommended price: 270 czk
Czech Morphology and Corpora strives to encourage students of philological disciplines, Czech studies experts, corpus linguistics and any...
published: october 2014
recommended price: 250 czk
Heterocosmica II: The Fictitious Worlds of Czech Postmodern Prose is an independent book, although it is intrinsically connected with Het...
Fikční světy postmoderní české prózy
published: october 2014
recommended price: 210 czk
published: november 2014
recommended price: 145 czk
Hegemony and Socialist Strategy is available to Czech readers almost thirty years after its first publication in 1985. Left-wing thought,...
Za radikálně demokratickou politiku
published: november 2014
recommended price: 260 czk
Sémantika: elementární a univerzální sémantické jednotky (Semantics: elementary and universal semantic units) focuses on elementary units...
published: november 2014
recommended price: 440 czk
This textbook intended for students of Charles University’s Pharmaceutical Faculty presents the most important pharmaceutical and pharmac...
published: november 2014
recommended price: 120 czk
The second volume of A History of the Cistercian Order in Bohemia 1142–1420 presents a comprehensive description of the history of Czech ...
Kláštery založené ve 13. a 14. století
published: november 2014
recommended price: 400 czk