Spadl buben do kedluben

Spadl buben do kedluben

Šiktanc, Karel

For his book of poetry for children, Karel Šiktanc selected 36 poems and rhymes. The book, abundant in playfulness, imagination and beaut...

published: october 2005
recommended price: 165 czk


Soumrak fotožurnalismu?

Soumrak fotožurnalismu?

Lábová, AlenaLáb, Filip

This richly documented book captures journalistic photography after two decades of digital dominance, when the situation around digital i...

Manipulace fotografií v digitální éře

published: september 2009
recommended price: 180 czk


Soudobá sociologie VI.

Soudobá sociologie VI.

Šubrt, Jiří a kol.

This sixth volume concludes the series which whose publication began in 2006 under the title of Contemporary Sociology. This project aims...

Oblasti a specializace

published: july 2014
recommended price: 375 czk


Soudobá sociologie V.

Soudobá sociologie V.

Šubrt, Jiří a kol.

Volume 5 of Contemporary Sociology focuses on various theoretical approaches to social change. In contrast to all that is static, social ...

Teorie sociální změny

published: may 2013
recommended price: 375 czk


Soudobá sociologie IV.

Soudobá sociologie IV.

Šubrt, Jiří a kol.

The subtitle to volume IV of the Contemporary Sociology textbooks was inspired by the French sociologist, Michel Maffesoli. The expressio...

Aktuální a každodenní

published: august 2010
recommended price: 335 czk


Soudobá sociologie III.

Soudobá sociologie III.

Šubrt, Jiří a kol.

The third volume of the contemporary sociology textbook provides essays which focus on the problem of current processes taking place in c...

Diagnózy soudobých společností

published: july 2008
recommended price: 305 czk
