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Souhrnné texty z chemie pro přípravu k přijímacím zkouškám I.

Souhrnné texty z chemie pro přípravu k přijímacím zkouškám I.

[Summary Chemistry Texts for Entrance Examination Preparation I.]

Streblová, Eva

subjects: science – chemistry

paperback, 204 pp., 6. edition
published: september 2024
ISBN: 978-80-246-5944-2
recommended price: 190 czk



The first part of the textbook is intended for foreign and Czech students preparing to study medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, and natural sciences where chemistry is not the main subject of study. The book summarises the basic knowledge of general, inorganic, and organic chemistry. The chapters are supplemented with review questions and examples for the thorough practice of the material covered. The initial chapters are adapted to the language skills of foreign students.