Saturnin - francouzsky

Saturnin - francouzsky

Jirotka, Zdeněk

The French edition of Zdeněk Jirotka's humorous novel, whose main hero is the legendary and loyal servant Saturnin, who fights aunt Kateř...

published: january 2023
recommended price: 450 czk


Sám v davu s Máchou

Sám v davu s Máchou

Vašák, Pavel

The book entitled Alone in the Crowd with Mácha and consisting of eight essays written by Pavel Vašák (1941–2011) presents a representati...

published: august 2011
recommended price: 220 czk




Kazbunda, Karel

The book covers the case of the most famous Czech police informer, but also the political radical and writer Karel Sabina (1813–1877). Ka...

Neuzavřený případ policejního konfidenta

published: april 2006
recommended price: 385 czk


S/krze postmoderní teorie

S/krze postmoderní teorie

Hauer, Tomáš

This publication begins with an explanation of the genealogical concept of Postmodernism and an analysis of French philosophical thought ...

published: october 2002
recommended price: 225 czk


S papírem do nedohledna

S papírem do nedohledna

Khel, Richard

This publication loosely follows up on the books The Legacy of Paper, Omnipresent and Pervasive Paper and Written and Printed on Paper. C...

published: june 2017
recommended price: 390 czk
