Sari gelin
Antologie povídek z Ázerbájdžánu
[Sari gelin. An anthology of short stories from Azerbaijan]
Bozděchová, Ivana – Choulíková, Klára (ed.)
paperback, 360 pp., 1. edition
translation: Asadova, Šebnem
published: march 2022
ISBN: 978-80-246-5096-8
recommended price: 320 czk
Sari gelin, a selection of modern Azerbaijanian short stories, attests to the life of this Caucasian country both geographically and culturally distant, while still quite exotic for Czech readers. This anthology fills a gap in the Czech book market, in which Azerbaijanian literature was absent, for the first time offering Czech translations directly from Azerbaijanian originals. The overall reading experience is enhanced by the extensive study on Azerbaijanian literature, which also provides an interpretation framing to the short stories. The anthology as a whole thus strives to inspire further research of this rich and hitherto unknown literary world.
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