Ekonomie rodiny v proměnách času, institucí a hodnot
Mlčoch, LubomírThis monograph, The Economics of Families in the Transformation of Times, Institutions and Values, is an extensive study on institutional...
published: december 2013
recommended price: 240 czk
Ekonomie, ekologie, veřejná politika, eudaimonia. Lidské hodnoty a problémy rozvoje civilizace
Mlčoch, Lubomír – Potůček, Martin – Kameníček, JiříThe Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, established the Josef Vavroušek “Human Values and Issues in the Development of Civili...
Připomínka dvaceti šesti let studentské ceny Josefa Vavrouška na Fakultě sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy
published: may 2022
recommended price: 180 czk
Ekosystémová a krajinná ekologie
Kovář, PavelThis revised and expanded version of the textbook first published in 2008 presents the mutual relationship of the ecosystem and the lands...
published: april 2015
recommended price: 130 czk
El Caribe hispanoparlante en las obras de sus historiadores
Opatrný, Josef (ed.)Thirty scholars from Argentina, France, Columbia, Cuba, Hungary, Mexico, Spain and the Czech Republic present prominent historians who fo...
published: april 2014
recommended price: 345 czk
El imaginario Chicano
Březinová, KateřinaThe Hispanic population, largely made up of people of Mexican origin, should according to informed estimates represent the largest demogr...
La iconografía civil y política de los mexicanos en Estados Unidos de América 1965–2000
published: february 2015
recommended price: 380 czk
Elektroencefalografické koreláty pohybového chování a výkonnostní zátěže
Pánek, DavidThis work focuses on the evaluation and interpretation of changes in electric activity in the brain during prolonged physical activity. I...
published: april 2017
recommended price: 140 czk
Elektřina a magnetismus
Sedlák, Bedřich – Štoll, IvanElectricity and Magnetism is a basic university textbook for disciplines focusing on physics and the natural sciences. Its thorough expos...
published: december 2017
recommended price: 310 czk
Elektřina a magnetismus
Sedlák, Bedřich – Štoll, Ivan
published: december 2024
recommended price: 510 czk
Elektřina a magnetismus pro zahraniční studenty
Vesecká, JaroslavaThe textbook is aimed at foreign students who are preparing for the study of physics at Czech universities. In its scope it corresponds t...
published: march 2024
recommended price: 150 czk
Elements of Time Series Econometrics: an Applied Approach
Kočenda, Evžen – Černý, AlexandrThis book presents the numerous tools for the econometric analysis of time series. The text is designed with emphasis on the practical ap...
published: december 2015
recommended price: 260 czk
Encyklopedie Církve československé husitské
Nešpor, Zdeněk R. a kol.
published: december 2022
recommended price: 450 czk