Defending Nazis in Postwar Czechoslovakia

Defending Nazis in Postwar Czechoslovakia

Drápal, Jakub

This book tells the story of life of Kamill Resler, attorney who defended the most prominent Nazi tried in post-war Czechoslovakia: Karl ...

The Life of K. Resler, Defence Counsel ex officio of K. H. Frank

published: february 2018
recommended price: 400 czk


Degrees of Separation

Degrees of Separation

Rakušanová, Marie (ed.)

In Degrees of Separation, scholars from Czechia, Canada, Germany, and Hungary take a new approach to exploring the work of one of Central...

Bohumil Kubišta and the European Avant-Garde

published: december 2021
recommended price: 1900 czk


Dějiny a sebetvorba

Dějiny a sebetvorba

Chavalka, Jakub

This book asks the question of how Jacob Burckhardt, a cultural historian almost forgotten in our context, could have inspired a much mor...

Jacob Burckchardt jako Nietzschův modelový čtenář

published: may 2019
recommended price: 370 czk
