Transfigured Night

Transfigured Night

Moníková, Libuše

Leonora Marty, who fled Czechoslovakia decades earlier, has returned after the Velvet Revolution. Having concluded her ballet of The Makr...

published: may 2023
recommended price: 260 czk


Transnacionální poetika

Transnacionální poetika

Ramazani, Jahan

The image of poetry as a culturally homogeneous and purely national phenomenon is not sustainable, and Jahan Ramazani, professor of Engli...

published: march 2024
recommended price: 420 czk


Trial by Theatre

Trial by Theatre

Day, Barbara

The motto Národ sobě – “From the Nation to Itself” – inscribed over the proscenium arch of Prague’s National Theatre symbolizes the impor...

Reports on Czech Drama

published: november 2019
recommended price: 420 czk


Tropika diskursu

Tropika diskursu

White, Hayden

Tropics of Discourse by Hayden White, who is known for his "metahistory" focusing on the narrative character of the historical discourse,...

Kulturně-kritické eseje

published: may 2010
recommended price: 270 czk
