Homo educandus

Homo educandus

Palouš, RadimSvobodová, Zuzana

A fundamental work on the philosophy of education. Individual chapters cover educational and philosophical reflections concerning social ...

Filosofické základy teorie výchovy

published: march 2020
recommended price: 120 czk


Hodža versus Beneš

Hodža versus Beneš

Kuklík, JanNěmeček, Jan

This book, written by Czech historians, is an account of the relationship of two prominent politicians of Czechoslovak history in the per...

Milan Hodža a slovenská otázka v zahraničním odboji za druhé světové války

published: june 1999
recommended price: 230 czk


Hnutí Haré Kršna

Hnutí Haré Kršna

Fárek, Martin

The Hare Krishna movement is one of the best known groups of the so-called new religious movements. The book covers the history of the or...

Institucionalizace alternativního náboženství

published: january 2009
recommended price: 210 czk


Hledání souvislostí

Hledání souvislostí

Hroch, Miroslav

This book is not intended merely for historians, it will be of interest to anyone who likes to see history not just as a vivid mosaic of ...

Eseje z komparativních dějin Evropy

published: march 2022
recommended price: 365 czk


Hledání proluk

Hledání proluk

Goszczyńska, Joanna (ed.)

The collection of works devoted to Bohumil Hrabal, A Search for Vacant Sites, strives to contribute to the discussion on the "Hrabal phen...

Bohumil Hrabal – analýzy a interpretace

published: september 2019
recommended price: 270 czk
