Mor 1480–1730

Mor 1480–1730

Černý, Karel

The plague, which arrived during the 1340s, foreshadowed a long period of recurring deadly epidemics. None were exempt from the danger, ...

Epidemie v lékařských traktátech raného novověku

published: october 2020
recommended price: 420 czk


Původ negativní dialektiky

Původ negativní dialektiky

Buck-Morssová, Susan

This book by American philosopher Susan Buck-Morris traces the formation of the theory of Theodor Adorno, a key representative of the fir...

Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin a frankfurtský Institut pro sociální výzkum

published: october 2020
recommended price: 450 czk


Syntax současné angličtiny

Syntax současné angličtiny

Dušková, Libuše

The first part of this book, A Collection of Texts and Examples for Syntactic Analysis, contains both short and longer texts, while the s...

Sbírka textů a příkladů k syntaktickému rozboru

published: october 2020
recommended price: 105 czk


Seven Letters to Melin

Seven Letters to Melin

Šafařík, Josef

Seven Letters to Melin is an exploration of man’s alienation from nature—and from himself—in the modern technological age. Conceived as a...

Essays on the Soul, Science, Art and Mortality

published: october 2020
recommended price: 450 czk
