Obecní majetek v Čechách 1848–1938

Obecní majetek v Čechách 1848–1938

Šouša jr., Jiří

This book focuses on the legislation concerning municipal property in Bohemia in 1848–1938 in the legal-historical context. Until its pub...

Základy právní úpravy a vývoj komunálního majetku v Čechách v letech 1848–1938

published: march 2009
recommended price: 260 czk


The Chattertooth Eleven

The Chattertooth Eleven

Bass, Eduard

Eduard Bass' story from 1922, a classic of Czech literature, has been published in English (Karolinum 2008). The translation, distinctive...

published: february 2009
recommended price: 390 czk


Hnutí Haré Kršna

Hnutí Haré Kršna

Fárek, Martin

The Hare Krishna movement is one of the best known groups of the so-called new religious movements. The book covers the history of the or...

Institucionalizace alternativního náboženství

published: january 2009
recommended price: 210 czk


Představy společenství

Představy společenství

Anderson, Benedict

This book by an American political scientist and historian, a specialist in the cultures of southeast Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, the Phil...

Úvahy o původu a šíření nacionalismu

published: november 2008
recommended price: 240 czk
