The series Czech Studies Abroad, as the name suggests, will contain the works of foreign Czech studies and Slavic scholars. Leading translators and editors make these fresh and inspiring views of Czech classical authors and works available to Czech readers. The edition is intended not only for experts on Czech language and literature but thanks to its readability, supported by erudite commentary from the fields of literary science and history, and other editorial comments, also for readers from the non-professional public.
Ďáblové, ženy a národ

Ďáblové, ženy a národ

Pynsent, Robert B.

This selection of essays and treatises by Robert B. Pynsent, one of the most renowned foreign experts on Czech studies (since 1991, a pro...

Výbor z úvah o české literatuře

published: june 2008
recommended price: 440 czk


Struktury a funkce

Struktury a funkce

Schmid, Herta

Professor Herta Schmid, until recently working at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Faculty of Arts in Potsdam, is one of the rare experts...

Výbor ze studií 1989–2009

published: february 2011
recommended price: 430 czk


V perspektivě desetiletí

V perspektivě desetiletí

Malevič, Oleg

Over the Decades, written by Oleg Malevič (1928–2013), a Russian scholar focusing on Czech studies, presents thirty essays written in the...

published: december 2015
recommended price: 450 czk


Co je ironická věda

Co je ironická věda

Vörös, István

István Vörös, a Hungarian Czech scholar, literary scientist, aesthetician and university professor, is primarily a poet, although his fic...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 360 czk


Komu múza přeje

Komu múza přeje

Engelking, Leszek

Leszek Engelking (1955) is one of the most industrious scholars in Bohemian studies from the University of Lodz in Poland. He engages in ...

Od Máchy k Topolovi. Výbor ze studií

published: july 2020
recommended price: 450 czk


Znaky a přízraky

Znaky a přízraky

Galmiche, Xavier

This thematically organized selection from the works of Xavier Galmiche (*1963), a French specialist in Czech studies, presents 40 studie...

Výbor ze statí o české a středoevropské literatuře

published: december 2023
recommended price: 550 czk
