The Politeia series presents important publications dedicated to political theory and modern history; it places political theory into historical context and encourages critical thinking. As the name POLITEIA suggests, it is not content with merely describing the given state, but also thinks about the good life of the community from the civic perspective. It offers a theoretical look into the modern history of societies which underwent democratic or non-democratic changes of the political regimes and whose "fate" holds a greater interpretive value. By means of this selection of key books, which is able to address both the professional and non-professional audiences, we would like to provide readers with a deeper understanding of past and current historical changes. Politeia offers contemplation on politics, democracy and history, which have been long inspired not only by western publications, but also by those which have arisen with a similar purpose here. This series is edited by Milan Znoj and Matěj Spurný
Kdo vládne světu?

Kdo vládne světu?

Chomsky, Noam

This most recent book by Noam Chomsky, well-known intellectual, philosopher and activist, presents a thorough analysis of the current int...

published: may 2019
recommended price: 380 czk


Temný kontinent

Temný kontinent

Mazower, Mark

Mark Mazower’s Europe is not a continent of old countries and nations, but in many respects, it is very new and in the course of the 20th...

Evropa ve 20. století

published: may 2019
recommended price: 450 czk


Normalizační festival

Normalizační festival

Houda, Přemysl

Normalization Festival is a monograph focusing on the period of late socialism in Czechoslovakia, particularly on the late socialist publ...

Socialistické paradoxy a postsocialistické korekce

published: august 2019
recommended price: 150 czk


Už je zítra?

Už je zítra?

Krastev, Ivan

What will the world look like after the Covid-19 pandemic? Haven’t we already been living in it for some time? Did the pandemic possibly ...

Aneb jak pandemie mění Evropu

published: june 2020
recommended price: 150 czk




Griffin, Roger

Although dozens of publications on Nazism and fascism are published annually, a book covering the theory of fascism from a diachronic per...

Úvod do komparativních studií fašismu

published: february 2021
recommended price: 250 czk


Africký džihád

Africký džihád

Pérouse de Montclos, Marc-Antoine

Boko Haram in the vicinity of Lake Chad, al-Shabab in the Horn of Africa and the constantly regrouping factions of al-Qaeda in the Islami...

Historické kořeny a současný význam

published: november 2021
recommended price: 250 czk


Cesta z chaosu

Cesta z chaosu

Kepel, Gilles

An overview of one of the most important and most-often translated French Arabists, Gilles Kepel, presents an insider and informationally...

Krize ve Středomoří a na Blízkém východě

published: march 2022
recommended price: 440 czk


Tyranie zásluh

Tyranie zásluh

Sandel, Michael J.

These are dangerous times for democracy. We live in an age of winners and losers, where the odds are stacked in favour of the already for...

Kam se podělo obecné dobro?

published: october 2022
recommended price: 380 czk


Jiný konec dějin

Jiný konec dějin

Ther, Philipp

In 1989, it seemed that in the spirit of Fukuyama’s quote, the end of history had arrived and that the West had emerged victorious. It ma...

Eseje o velké transformaci po roce 1989

published: november 2022
recommended price: 300 czk


Věk hněvu

Věk hněvu

Mišra, Pankádž

What is the source of the anger which is spreading from Brazil to India, from the USA to Russia, překračuje traversing religions and cult...

Dějiny přítomnosti

published: january 2024
recommended price: 390 czk
