AUC Theologica je recenzovaný odborný teologický časopis, který vychází dvakrát ročně. S výjimkou slavistických témat, recenzí a zpráv zveřejňuje příspěvky pouze ve světových jazycích – v angličtině, němčině, francouzštině a italštině.

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AUC THEOLOGICA, Vol 2 No 2 (2012), 61–86

Trinitární perspektiva teologie náboženství. Nástin přístupu k nekřesťanským náboženstvím v myšlení Gavina D’Costy

[Trinitarian Perspective of the Theology of Religions An Outline of the Attitude to Non-Christian Religions in Gavin D’Costa]

Martin Kočí

zveřejněno: 05. 12. 2012


This study presents an analysis of the theological work of Gavin D’Costa. Author intends to introduce D’Costa’s contribution in the field of the theology of religions and to examine the concept of Trinitarian Theology of Religions. D’Costa considers the doctrine of Trinity as the distinctive element of Christianity comparing to other religions. Paradoxically, he chooses the Trinitarian mystery as the point of departure in his approach to religions. He refuses incllusivist and exclusivist approaches. He believes that the socalled Trinitarian theology of religion can offer a respect-full evaluation of other religions. Simultaneously, such a concept remains faithful to the Christian tradition itself. This article highlights some debatable issues in D’Costa’s concept. Author examines the dialectic between particularity and universality which is presented by D’Costa. In other words, this article deals with the question what has the priority: the particular event of Christ or the universal presence of the Holy Spirit in the world. D’Costa holds the balance between both ‘events’, even though he extensively elaborates upon the pneumatological-ecclesial perspective of the theology of religions. The consequences of this perspective are examined in the second half of this article. Finally, this article delves into the question about whether the Trinitarian doctrine can serve as a methodological principle of the theology of religions. And if the answer is positive, what concept of the Trinitarian theology is appropriate. Unfortunately, D’Costa does not provide any concrete answer in this respect. However, his intuition concerning the Trinitarian background of the Christian attitude toward other religions is an original contribution to the discipline of the theology of religions and enrichment for the current theological debate as such.

klíčová slova: Trinity; Theology of Religions; Gavin D’Costa; Religions

Creative Commons License
Trinitární perspektiva teologie náboženství. Nástin přístupu k nekřesťanským náboženstvím v myšlení Gavina D’Costy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

148 x 210 mm
vychází: 2 x ročně
cena tištěného čísla: 100 Kč
ISSN: 1804-5588
E-ISSN: 2336-3398

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