Úvod do sociologie

Úvod do sociologie

Havlík, Radomír

This new revised edition of Radomír Havlík's textbook is used for basic orientation in the study of selected societal problems. Individua...

published: february 2015
recommended price: 90 czk


El imaginario Chicano

El imaginario Chicano

Březinová, Kateřina

The Hispanic population, largely made up of people of Mexican origin, should according to informed estimates represent the largest demogr...

La iconografía civil y política de los mexicanos en Estados Unidos de América 1965–2000

published: february 2015
recommended price: 380 czk


Co se chce říct mluvením

Co se chce říct mluvením

Bourdieu, Pierre

This book by a prominent French sociologist, whose reflections also had a fundamental influence on aesthetics, literary history and many ...

Ekonomie jazykové směny

published: december 2014
recommended price: 200 czk


Role policie a armády v Evropské unii

Role policie a armády v Evropské unii

Weiss, Tomáš

This book focuses on the European Union’s security policy and examines the security policy of one of its member states, the Czech Republi...

Analýza evropské a národní úrovně s využitím případové studie České republiky

published: september 2014
recommended price: 270 czk


Romové a stereotypy

Romové a stereotypy

Weinerová, Renata

This books presents a close look at the complex intercultural issues from which the learned stereotypes are formed as the accumulation of...

Výzkum stereotypizace Romů v Ústeckém kraji

published: july 2014
recommended price: 105 czk


Soudobá sociologie VI.

Soudobá sociologie VI.

Šubrt, Jiří a kol.

This sixth volume concludes the series which whose publication began in 2006 under the title of Contemporary Sociology. This project aims...

Oblasti a specializace

published: july 2014
recommended price: 375 czk
