A Legitimate, Legal and Just War

A Legitimate, Legal and Just War

Kolín, Vilém

Today there is no consensus on the range of circumstances where the use of force is justified. In fact, the use of force threatens to be ...

Towards a New Paradigm of the Lawful and Justified Use of Force in International Relations

published: september 2012
recommended price: 230 czk


Africký džihád

Africký džihád

Pérouse de Montclos, Marc-Antoine

Boko Haram in the vicinity of Lake Chad, al-Shabab in the Horn of Africa and the constantly regrouping factions of al-Qaeda in the Islami...

Historické kořeny a současný význam

published: november 2021
recommended price: 250 czk




Beránek, Zdeněk

This historical analysis focuses on the dramatic developments in this north-African country which originated in the easing of the politic...

Krize 90. let

published: june 2013
recommended price: 260 czk


America First

America First

Hornát, JanKýrová, Lucie (ed.)

A non-traditional candidate, an unprecedented president? Why did Americans elect such a controversial figure as the head of their country...

Příčiny a kontext volebního vítězství Donalda Trumpa

published: september 2020
recommended price: 330 czk


Antropologie turismu

Antropologie turismu

Půtová, Barbora

“Anthropology of tourism” is a relatively new sub-discipline and thematic area of socio-cultural anthropology, which is being gradually e...

published: october 2019
recommended price: 320 czk


Autokrat a jeho doba

Autokrat a jeho doba

Svoboda, Karel

This book focuses on the relatively short period of a succession of revolutions and other changes in Europe. All European countries, incl...

Rusko a revoluce v letech 1830–1831

published: june 2016
recommended price: 270 czk


Averzivní demokracie

Averzivní demokracie

Norval, Aletta J.

Events which have occurred in the past decades since the fall of the authoritarian regimes in Eastern Europe, including the color revolut...

published: september 2016
recommended price: 280 czk


Bezpečnost, teritorium, populace

Bezpečnost, teritorium, populace

Foucault, Michel

In opposition to the mechanisms with which rulers attempted to ensure the security of their territory up until the age of classicism, Fou...

Přednášky na Collège de France (1977–1978)

published: may 2023
recommended price: 440 czk
