

Havel, JanLáb, Filip

Pavel Dias’s work forms one of the touchstones of Czech journalistic and documentary photography. Dias began taking photographs at a junc...

Fotografie/Photographs 1956–2015

published: july 2015
recommended price: 490 czk


Roky a vteřiny

Roky a vteřiny

Ployhar, Jiří

Years and Seconds represents an overview of Jiří Ployhar’s photographic work. Ployhar (1927–2009) was a leading Czech documentarian, came...

published: august 2014
recommended price: 430 czk


Soumrak fotožurnalismu?

Soumrak fotožurnalismu?

Lábová, AlenaLáb, Filip

This richly documented book captures journalistic photography after two decades of digital dominance, when the situation around digital i...

Manipulace fotografií v digitální éře

published: september 2009
recommended price: 180 czk


Chvála tvaru

Chvála tvaru

Horyna, Mojmír

Well known Czech photographer Vladimír Uher (1925–2016) is author of the photographic documentation of many publications dedicated to Cze...

Fotografie Vladimíra Uhra

published: november 2004
recommended price: 345 czk
