Andělé a filosofie

Andělé a filosofie

Suarez-Naniová, Tiziana

Disputes about the number of angels on the head of a pin are considered to be a proverbial example of the obscurity and ridiculousness of...

Subjektivita a kosmologická role odloučených substancí na konci 13. století

published: november 2021
recommended price: 300 czk


Oheň a hvězdy

Oheň a hvězdy

Kohák, Erazim

“How do life, the world and my place in them all fit together?”, “How does Good come into the world and how is it that Evil exists?” Thes...

Filosofická zamýšlení nad morálním smyslem přírody

published: october 2021
recommended price: 330 czk


Jazykový živočich

Jazykový živočich

Taylor, Charles

Language is not merely a tool for coding and conveying information, nor is it only a means of transferring thoughts from one individual t...

published: october 2021
recommended price: 440 czk


Confronting Totalitarian Minds

Confronting Totalitarian Minds

Brinton, Aspen E.

The Czech philosopher Jan Patočka not only witnessed some of the most turbulent politics of twentieth-century Central Europe, but shaped ...

Jan Patočka on Politics and Dissidence

published: may 2021
recommended price: 370 czk


Mezi zdarem a zmarem

Mezi zdarem a zmarem

Payne, Jan

This book maps terrain which has always been, and in the present in particular is still painful for humans. Recommendations such as "know...

Proč? Jak? Co?

published: march 2021
recommended price: 380 czk
