Poznávání života

Poznávání života

Canguilhem, Georges

French epistemology represents a distinctive line of thought within philosophy, represented primarily by Gaston Bachelard with his theory...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 280 czk




Richter, Gerhard

The central theme of this book, written by Gerhard Richter, a professor of German studies and comparative literature at Brown University,...

Figury následování v moderním myšlení a estetice

published: march 2022
recommended price: 320 czk


Pohyb člověka na biodromu

Pohyb člověka na biodromu

Bednář, Miloš

This monograph uses the metaphore of the biodrome and a journey to reflect on the movements of a man's life. Kinanthropology, or the "stu...

Cesta životem z pohledu (nejen) kinantropologie

published: december 2009
recommended price: 210 czk


Podivuhodný květ českého baroka

Podivuhodný květ českého baroka

Vopěnka, Petr

This publication, subtitled First Lectures on Set Theory, presents a picture of a remarkable world of ideas, which was established at the...

První přednášky o teorii množin

published: february 2013
recommended price: 230 czk


Philosophy en noir

Philosophy en noir

Petříček, Miroslav

Thought necessarily reflects the times. Following the tragedy of the Holocaust, this fact became ever more clear. And it may be the reaso...

published: november 2019
recommended price: 420 czk
