Lyrická poezie

Lyrická poezie

Blasingová, Mutlu Konuk

Mutlu Konuk Blasing, an American scholar of Turkish origin, investigates the nature of the lyric subject and its relation to poetic langu...

Bolest a slast slov

published: november 2023
recommended price: 370 czk


Lyrická gesta

Lyrická gesta

Rabaté, Dominique

With its entry into the world a poem creates the space in which it finds itself. By means of lyrical gestures it poses questions, opens, ...

published: march 2023
recommended price: 260 czk


Literary Theory

Literary Theory

Procházka, Martin

This textbook captures the fundamental moments in thinking about literature and art in English speaking countries in Renaissance, Neoclas...

An Historical Introduction

published: april 2015
recommended price: 130 czk


Laudabile Carmen – část II

Laudabile Carmen – část II

Kuťáková, Eva

The second part of this textbook, Laudabile Carmen, is conceived as an introduction to Roman poetry and an initial presentation of reflec...

Kapitoly z římské rétoriky a poetiky

published: october 2017
recommended price: 260 czk


Komu múza přeje

Komu múza přeje

Engelking, Leszek

Leszek Engelking (1955) is one of the most industrious scholars in Bohemian studies from the University of Lodz in Poland. He engages in ...

Od Máchy k Topolovi. Výbor ze studií

published: july 2020
recommended price: 450 czk


Kniha vrchních písařů

Kniha vrchních písařů

S’-ma Čchien,

Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji) is an essential work of Chinese historiography. It covers the history of China from its mythical o...

Výbor z díla čínského historika

published: november 2012
recommended price: 248 czk
