Úvod do dějin čínského písemnictví a krásné literatury II
Słupski, Zbigniew – Lomová, OlgaDynastie Qin a Han
published: november 2009
recommended price: 200 czk
Dynastie Qin a Han
published: november 2009
recommended price: 200 czk
This selection of essays and treatises by Robert B. Pynsent, one of the most renowned foreign experts on Czech studies (since 1991, a pro...
Výbor z úvah o české literatuře
published: june 2008
recommended price: 440 czk
In her book, the author presents the development of female Italian writers from the second half of the 19th century, when women started t...
published: april 2008
recommended price: 125 czk
The Japanese writer Ibuse Masuji (1898–1993) became famous for his best known work: Kuroi Ame (Black Rain), on the tragic outcome of the ...
published: january 2008
recommended price: 490 czk
This is the first major analytical study in English of the work of the leading Czech Avant-garde novelist and dramatist, Vladislav Vančur...
The Heart of the Czech Avant-garde
published: december 2007
recommended price: 240 czk
An interview with prominent Czech poet Karel Šiktanc (1928–2021) about his life and poetry. Over a two year period Karel Šiktanc wrote hi...
Rozhovor Jaromíra Slomka s Karlem Šiktancem
published: december 2007
recommended price: 250 czk
In a parallel Czech-Latin version, this book brings the first Czech translation of an original, difficult-to-read review of a Latin text ...
published: october 2007
recommended price: 105 czk
Bahr's History of German Literature in three volumes, covering the period from the early Middle Ages to the present, belongs among classi...
Od realismu k současné literatuře
published: may 2007
recommended price: 345 czk
The first of the three sections focuses on works devoted to French literature. Following an essay on the development of the Holy Grail mo...
published: may 2007
recommended price: 355 czk
Russian modern literature 1890–2000 analyzes one of the most complex periods of literary history. It provides an explanation of movements...
published: april 2007
recommended price: 440 czk
Miroslav Červenka (1932–2005) was one of the most important personalities of the Czech literary science of the second half of the 20th ce...
published: january 2007
recommended price: 325 czk
This publication – the first of its kind in the Czech Republic with such a scope – by Miriam Löwensteinová and Vladimír Pucka, Korean sch...
published: october 2006
recommended price: 285 czk